About Us

Our mission

is to reach the nations of the world

sowing the seeds of


one t-shirt at a time!

(Jesus Always Keeps the Kingdom United)

J.A.K.K.U is short for "Jesus Always Keeps the Kingdom United!" The Ichthys is a symbol of Christianity and faith. It is simply two arched lines that cross each other in the form of or resembling a fish. We have all seen this symbol on bumper stickers, jewelry, and books, but do we all know anything about its origin?
It is a unique and iconic logo that was intended to be a symbol of faith in Christ. It originated sometime in the 2nd century AD during the times of religious persecution by the Romans. It was used to mark places of religious worship such as secret places of faithful gatherings and homes of faith. It was also used as a method to let others know that you were a person of faith and a follower of Jesus and that you were approachable regarding matters of faith. The Ichthys was the most ideal symbol of faith since Christ Himself referenced us as being "fishers of men" on numerous occasions and it is our task to bring forth all people to His kingdom.

How Does Our Design Relate to This Biblical Symbol of Faith?

The symbols represented here can all be found intertwined into our uniquely designed J.A.K.K.U logo. In it you will find a representation of each of these symbols and they are represented with with their own iconic symbols and biblical explanation of how they relate to the J.A.K.K.U brand.

Symbolism of "8"

The number eight in the Bible signifies Resurrection and Regeneration. It is the number of a new beginning. Since it comes after seven, which signifies the end to something. Eight is also associated with the beginning of a nEw time. Such as 7 days in a week and the 8th day marks the beginning of a new week.

Holy Trinity

The Trinity is the belief that God is one being made up of three distinct persons who exist in co-equal essence known as the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The trinity is generally represented by a triangular shaped object signifying the trinity.


The Ichthys consists of two intersecting arcs resembling the profile of a fish. The fish was a secret symbol used by early Christians as to recognizing churches and other believers during their persecution by the Roman Empire. Mark 1: 16-18 "I will make you fishers of men".

Water of Life

Water represents "Life" and is used in the purification of the spirit through baptisms. It is the washing away of sin and a cleansing of the soul. Water is also symbolic of God's Blessing and spiritual refreshment. John 3:5 Jesus answered, Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.


A number eight sideways is a symbol of infinity which represents limitlessness and eternity. It is widely used as a symbol of Christ's love for us. Isaiah 40:28 - The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth, He will not grow tired or weary and His understanding no one can fathom.

Symbolism of "3"

Jesus prayed three times in the Garden of Gethsemane before His arrest. He was placed on the cross at the 3rd hour of the day (9 a.m.) and died at the 9th hour (3 p.m.). 3 hours of darkness covered the land while Jesus suffered on the cross. Christ was dead for 3 full days and 3 nights before being resurrected

Union of Ichthys

The union of the fish is a representation of JAKKU's vision of "Christians United". As followers of Christ we were meant to stand united not to stand alone. Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.


Water represents "Life" and is used in the purification of the spirit through baptisms. It is the washing away of sin and a cleansing of the soul. Water is also symbolic of God's Blessing and spiritual refreshment. John 3:5 Jesus answered, Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.



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Who am I?  I believe that, that is a great question. I am a Christian, a father, and a husband. I love my wife of 13 years and have done so through her military career as an ARMY Major. I work a full time job like most and other than that my life is pretty normal.   I have many talents and my wife believes that I am a jack of all trades but I believe my God given talent lies in cabinetry, construction and designs of all things. Creativity and designing . . . it’s what I do!  There are few things that I would stray from doing, when it comes to design work and creative construction. It seems to come naturally and I enjoy doing it.  My design work has been seen on business cards, brochures, furniture, construction, home designs and I create all of our custom t-shirts that we bring to you folks online.

How has God blessed me?  I’ll tell you this . . . I created this webpage despite never using this type of software platform (Word Press) before and not knowing much of anything on it . . . yet here I am doing what I believe is the Lord’s work and sharing His designs with all of you one t-shirt at a time. 

Am I a patriot?
I would say that I’m about as patriotic as they come. I love my country and I am grateful for the liberties provided by those that fight and make sacrifice for them.  I would never knowingly support anyone or any entity that takes away from those who have given so much for those liberties.  My wife is a 24 year retired Major and an Army veteran and though I have no personal experience being in the military, I have plenty of knowledge of it.  I am proud to be an American and I am a proud supporters of our (still) President Donald J. Trump!

Who am I? Welcome everyone! I cannot tell you how excited my husband and I are to finally be able to birth our baby J.A.K.K.U (Jesus Always Keeps the Kingdom United)! We started this back in October 2019 and were met with roadblocks left and right but with the grace of God, he guided us through the land mines and here we are!! Thank you Jesus! A little about me. I am a child of the most high God. I am a combat retired veteran and served in the active Army and Army National Guard for 24 years. I did a tour in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. If I could come out of retirement and work under President Trump, believe me I would! I took pride in serving our country and honestly there is no better nation than the United States of America. Now my focus is accomplishing the mandate God has given us in establishing JAKKU Productions and promoting UNITY throughout the land with His WORD and through music. We look forward to spreading the good news through original created designs inspired by Jesus. News of love, forgiveness, unity, grace and mercy. Our merchandise will include clothing, housewares, and backpacks to name a few. The variety of items will increase as time goes on. As for music, as my husband has the time to create, we will publish it on our music page. May we inspire you through God’s Word to unite and reach the destinies that God created for you since the beginning of time! Annette


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